Friday, February 22, 2013

Someone posed the question "How did our upbringing affect our parenting with respect to how our parents raised us?"
The following is my letter to my Mother and Father.
I couldn't respond because I knew my truthful reply would sound so cold. Ease did try in a small manner but omitted the whole truth. 
You both did on occasion show love and responsibility as parents but that was few and far between. It was a privilege to be with you and a mark of pride to be acknowledge by either of you. I reveled in it, I basked in your love and attention and always thought that was fine by me. But in that question I know it was not. It was not a privilege to be loved.... It was my right.  I never had any certainty in my life. I see now how much that has had a dysfunctional   part of shaping me. Even thought i always wanted your love, i know i was never a priority and i have treated my kids the same way. I see me keeping my kids at bay and not making them my priority because even as of now you preach family above all.... And face it, that means Love and Honesty... So I always put you before everyone, including my kids!!! I don't want to be like you both were, and I'm scared to admit that I may already be. I know that now I am your number one, but I don't want to wait that long to be a parent. You always said that you succeeded if your kids were your best friends, but I want to try to fix what I have become and not wait till I am your age for it to work out. 
I know it hurts you to hear this and I do love you above all, but I think I need time to decide if I can accept who you are or if I'm a better person with out you. I know you won't this choice is mine alone.